Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Give Thanks Banner

Give Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I know it is all the rage to write one thing you are thankful for each day for the month of November. I decided to take a slightly different approach and include thirty things I am thankful for in my Thanksgiving post.

one. I am thankful for Jeremy. Everyday, in so many ways I am reminded of what a good man I am married to. I have been very busy with work lately, and Jeremy has picked up the slack, taking care of Mosby, going grocery shopping, and cooking meals. He's a keeper!

two. I am thankful that Jeremy and I can host Thanksgiving this year. Emily and Tony have to work today and Friday, so they can't head back to Michigan for the holiday. I'm glad my mom and dad can come into town, so we can all be together.

three. Jeremy (part two). While I was out celebrating making it through parent teacher conferences, professional development, and our upcoming five days off with some teacher friends last night, Jeremy was at home working on the beginning preparations for Thanksgiving dinner. Everything already looks wonderful and I appreciate all the effort he is making to make our dinner special.

four.  I am thankful that my dad's heel does not have to be operated on after his injury! Speedy healing is the best kind!

five. I am thankful for my dad and my relationship with my dad. I have learned so much from him over the years! He's such a smart, kind, funny man and I appreciate him instilling a great taste in music in me.

six. My mom! I find myself growing more like her as I get older, and can start to appreciate all she did for us while we were growing up and all she does for us now.

Cut a small triangle out of paper

seven. I'm thankful to be a Grossenbacher officially! Getting up early on my first day of Thanksgiving break to change my license was a wonderful use of my time!

eight. I'm thankful for my parent-in-laws. They have welcomed me into their family. I feel so lucky to have found such a wonderful man who has had these role models his whole life.

nine. I'm thankful for my sister. It's been amazing to watch what a wonderful mother she is and how much she loves her little girl.

ten. Speaking of her little girl, I'm thankful for Sofia. She is the much anticipated addition to our family. I'm especially thankful that Emily and Tony invited me to be a part of her birth. It's special to think that I've known and loved her since her very first breath.

eleven. I'm thankful for my other five nieces and nephews. I'm so thankful the little ones can't remember a time when I wasn't a part of their family and older ones have accepted me into their family. 

twelve. I'm thankful for my sisters and brothers in-law. I could ask for better people to be in my life than Tony, Michelle, Tim, Liz, and Geoff. I enjoy all of their company so much, and am always amazed at what great parents they all are.

use inexpensive felt

thirteen. I am thankful for my job. I am thankful that I have the chance to work with young people.

fourteen. I am thankful for my students. It's so fulfilling to watch them grow. And on the bad days, I'm thankful for them teaching me patience.

fifteen. I am thankful for my coworkers. There are days I wouldn't be able to force myself out of bed at 4:45 am if I didn't know that I got to go to work with these people.

sixteen. I'm thankful that I can attend my grandparent's anniversary party this weekend. Forty years of marriage is such a testament to their love.

seventeen. While I'm sad Jeremy won't be able to attend the anniversary party, I'm thankful that we have the means and flexible with work for him to be present at another special event. More details on the event to come.

eighteen. I am thankful for my aunts and uncles. My sister and I are so lucky to have grown up with the guidance and love of so many adults on both sides of our family.

Using even spacing, sew them onto a ribbon

nineteen. I'm thankful for my cousins. I only have six, but Kristen, Jill, Nathan, Allison, Kyle, and Jesse (and their significant others and children) have been the most fun to grow up with and hang out with now that we are all adults.

twenty. I'm thankful for Mosby. You didn't think I'd leave him out, did you? His mix of crazy energy and cuddliness makes him the exact dog I have always wanted.

twenty-one. I'm thankful for our little apartment. It's so nice to know that I'm coming home to a warm, comfortable place.

twenty-two. I'm thankful for friends that have become family. Haley and Maggie have been such wonderful friends to me and family for so long, I can't imagine life without them and their families anymore than I can imagine life without my "blood" family.

twenty-three. I am thankful for all of my other childhood and college friends. These friends are my memory keepers, reminding me of all the good times growing up and reminding me where I came from.

twenty-four. I am thankful for my Chicago friends. They are the people that have become my surrogate family, when I'm far(-ish) from mine.

Cut out letters in brown felt. I used

twenty-five. I'm thankful for Jeremy's hometown crew. They and their significant others have become such an important part of my life.

twenty-six. I'm thankful for my health and the health of those I love.

twenty-seven. I'm thankful for books. I've always been a reader and enjoy escaping into different stories.

twenty-eight.  I'm thankful for this break from work. It's much needed.

twenty-nine. I'm thankful for 2012. It's been a big, wonderful, overwhelming, beautiful year. My family grew through weddings and a baby and I'm so grateful for it all.

thirty. I'm thankful for this blog, which provides me a way and reason to express my creativity. I'm also thankful for you all and all your kind comments in person, through emails, texts, and comments. 

Until next time, keep crafting.


1 comment:

  1. Aww, I got a call out! :) And this made me want to cry while smiling - I'm thankful for you guys! Love you!
