Monday, May 7, 2012

Pillow Re-stuffing

Pillow Re-stuffing

Today is my 27th birthday. You should know, I love my birthday. Always have, probably always will. I follow a couple of bloggers, and two of them (dig this chick and enjoying the small things) make a list on their birthdays every year of things they are enjoying/thankful for/loving/etc. Every year, they make a list one thing for every year. So, here are my 27.

1. My warm little puppy who is currently sleeping on my lap.

2. Taking the day off of work to relax.
3. My mom, who has been so helpful with all of my wedding planning.
4. My sister, who just threw me an amazing, fun, and thoughtful bachelorette party.

5. My dad, for showing me how to throw a ball, teaching me to love history and traveling, and introducing me to classic rock.

6. Rainy days that make it easy to kick back and relax.
7. The fact that I am getting married to my best friend in 54 DAYS!!!
8. Adding to that, I just received our first RSVP back!
9. I am loving that wedding stuff means that I get to spend so much time with my bestie!

10. I am loving planning the wedding (I know, it's crazy, I'm not sick of it  yet!).
11. I love that tonight I went to dinner with my handsome fiancĂ©! 
12. AND I just plain love Jeremy, how he makes me feel, and the life we are building together!

13. I love the man that my sister is going to marry this fall!

14. And her ADORABLE baby bump!!!
15. I love that I have awesome friends from so many parts of my life that can come together and have a great time (thanks for this weekend ladies)!
16. I am loving the book Bloom by the author of one of my have blogs!
17. I love massages...just got my first today!
18. I love the city life with my country roots!

19. I love working with kids.
20. I love that soon, I will be an *official* part of this family.

21. Wednesday night yoga
22. My sewing machine (passed down from Grandma Gruber)

23. I love that I am going back to Germany this summer for our honeymoon.
24. Blogging
25. All of my extended family and the fact that I get to see everyone at the wedding.
26. Candy
27. Making things for my friends and family.

Now, the last one leads me right into my craft for this week. When my sis and Tony moved back to Chicago, they bought a new couch. A bunch of new pillows came with the couch. They were really cute, but WAY too hard and uncomfortable. My sis had saved some old but nicely stuffed feather throw pillows. She asked me to un-stuff the new pillows and re-stuff them with the feathers.

I, of course, said, "OF COURSE!"


WARNING! Do not start this project unless you have some time to finish it. While it is not a difficult project, it is MESSY!

First, use a seam ripper to tear open one side of the pillow. The pillows I used just happen to have a side that was perfect for this.

Next, pull out all of the stuffing. It is SHOCKING how much stuffing there is inside a pillow!

Now, here's where it gets really messy! Use the seam ripper to open up the old pillows. The feathers will go EVERYWHERE! So, try your hardest to jam all those feathers inside of the pillow.

Are you covered in feathers? Are most of the feathers inside the pillow? Good, that means you did it correctly. Now, it's time to sew up the pillow. Start the knotted end between the two pieces of fabric. This way, it hides your knot. 

When you are done sewing, end it the same way.

Use many many many strips of a lint remover roll to get rid of all feathers on the outside of the pillow.

And your finished product!

Now, I'm off to drink a glass of Southwest Michigan wine with Jeremy to finish off celebrating my birthday.

Until next time, keep crafting.


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