Monday, April 2, 2012

Easter Craft, Part 2

Easter Bunting

Anther successful weekend! My parents were in town, and we spent most of our weekend over at my sister's new apartment, admiring the apartment and her baby bump! My mom, sister, and I also went to Palm Sunday Mass. I loved Palm Sunday growing up....getting to walk into church all together while singing and holding palm branches. It brought back great memories.

Of course, with all of the running around, I was too tired to complete my craft  yesterday. Luckily, today OFFICIALLY starts my spring break! HOORAY!

If you missed Easter Craft, Part 1, complete with the reasons I LOVE Easter...check out last week's blog.

So, without further ado, here's this week's finished product!

That's right! More PEEPS!!!

I found this idea via Pinterest a few months ago. For the original tutorial click here. I made a few changes to the craft, which I'll highlight in my blog. 

The first couple steps are all following the original tutorial.

1. print out pattern and trace onto felt. I used a Sharpie and made 24 bunnies (for the front and back) so I'd have a total of 12 bunnies when I was finished.

Then, carefully cut them out.

Next,you will sew the bunnies onto ribbon. I changed my project a little from the original here. Dana (the creator of this project) placed her bunnies right next to each other. I spaced mine out about 5 inches apart. Either way would be totally fine. I made sure that the "V" where the two ears came together was right above the top edge of the ribbon. Then, I sewed a straight line across each bunny.

I snipped off all of the loose thread strings. Next, Dana sandwiched the ribbon between the two bunnies...

...and then started to sew around the outside of each bunny.

I tried that too. However, the sewing around the outside of each bunny didn't go too well...

So, after some swearing and screaming (I'm sure Jeremy really regretted taking the day off for his birthday during these 5 minutes), I came up with plan B.

People, when in doubt, go for the hot glue!

I just hot glued around the outside of each bunny, put a line of glue down the middle, and slapped the other bunny over top!

Add some eyes and a nose using a fabric paint pen.

And, you are all set!

I'm off to celebrate Jeremy's birthday with a little lunch and some clothes shopping!

Enjoy your week!

Until next time, keep crafting!


1 comment:

  1. How cool! Happy Birthday to Jer!!!! I'll call him later.
