Monday, August 13, 2012

A Dollar Spent is a Penny Saved


This past week I've been thinking a lot about balances. Yes, balances, plural. Stick with me, it will all come together.

First, about balance between "real life" and "escapes". This was, of course, prompted by my first full week of work. 

Real life was a doozie last week. Lots of crying children, crying parents, cleaning up after other schools' messes, hurrying up and waiting, and coming home smelling like a Kindergartener's urine most of the week. When I came home, I was falling asleep before dinner. 

Jeremy and I are also trying to really track our expenses and be very conscious about our spending habits. I had a disastrous encounter at book club with a friend who was taking her bad week out on all of us. I started to feel under the weather as the week wore on. AND to top off the week, both Thursday and Friday, the alarm was set wrong, so I ended up having two very panicky and rushed mornings in a row.  

Needless to say, I needed some time to "escape". While I desperately wanted to go back to summer (my favorite and longest escape of the year), I realized that I needed to get back into my school year escapes, and be thankful that I have mini-excapes built into my life. 

Such as...

I have always been an avid reader. I have always loved books that are in a series. My love for books and series started in 1st grade with The Boxcar Children. But my favorite series of all time, hands down, is Harry Potter. I allow myself the pleasure of reading them once a year. I usually can get through them in the 2 weeks that I'm at my parent's place. However, due to busy-ness, I am still working my way through them. And, I'll tell you, the hour public trans commutes to and from work were the best part of some of my days last week.

Logan Square has a DOG PARK! Mos and I have been there a few times, but Jer came with us for the first time on Saturday. The park's not a lot to look at, but watching Mosby run around off leash is one of the most fun things ever. Seriously, if you can't take pleasure in how happy he is to run, you might be a little dead inside. It's ridiculous.

Then he gets worn out and looks like this. Mosby mini-escape.

And lastly, writing my blog. One of my favorite mini-escape is creating something for our home or someone I love, then sitting quietly to write about it and my week. It's wonderful.

AND here's were the other "balance" comes in. I mentioned earlier that Jer & I have a brand new money plan now that we are married. One of changes it to gives ourselves an "allowance" of spending money. To help us track our spending, we are taking money out and using that, instead of our debit cards. And when you have money, you have change. And when you have change, you need a....(wait for it)....


We are thinking of using the change collected towards a vacation (or as I'm calling it, escape). Again...balance. :)

So, I headed off to JoAnn's to see what I could find. And, I found something I love. And I love it a little extra because it's so simple.

First, buy a vowel (or any other letter). I chose "G" for obvious reasons. You can find these cardboard letters by the wooden letters at JoAnn's.

Place the letter upright and draw on a slot.

Use an exacto knife to cut the slot out.

And the finished product!

Now, you could be a lot fancier with your piggy bank than I was. I happen to like the look of plain cardboard. I like the simplicity. 

If you don't, here's a couple ideas!
  • Paint it! One color, stripes, polka dot, or go all "Jackson Pollock" on it
  • Mod Podge it with pretty colors, photos, or pictures of what you are saving up for
  • Yarn it. You could use the same technique I used on Valentine's Day.
I also think this could be a cute craft or gift for kids.

Anyway, I'm off enjoy some more HP and a cup of tea out of my special mug.

Next weekend, we're off to one of my favorite escapes, northern Michigan, to spend some quality at a microbrew fest, Suds on the Shore, with my parents. And, if I can pull it off, and very special post.

Until next time, keep crafting!


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