Monday, April 15, 2013

Stuffed Friends

Hi all.

First and foremost, I want to extend Jeremy and my thoughts and prayers to everyone in Boston. Our good friend, Nicolle, is out there right now running her first Boston Marathon, and we are so relieved to report that she and her husband, Vince, are safe.

Jeremy's birthday was a couple weeks ago. Jeremy and I have a few birthday traditions we love. We always give each other a gift (more on that in a minute).

We also always take advantage of living in Chicago, which, in our opinion, has some of the best restaurants in the country. We treat ourselves to a nice meal at a restaurant that we can't afford to go to everyday.

Being total food dorks, we COMPLETELY geek out over Top Chef, a TV cooking competition featuring up and coming chefs. Chicago is home to a lot of these chefs, including Heather Turhune, the chef at Sable. We had great food, great drinks, and a great time celebrating there.

So, back to Jeremy's gift. Jeremy (and I) are big fans of a new group called Of Monsters and Men. They are kind of indy folk/pop rock type band from Iceland. They are coming to Chicago in May. I jumped at the chance to get tickets to the show.

So, Jeremy's gift was decided. But, I hate giving just pieces of paper, so I wanted to do something a little more creative.

I decided to give Jeremy two clues. He had written instructions to open the first at breakfast and the second at lunch. If he couldn't guess by dinner, I would tell him what the gift was.

Luckily, a band by the name Of Monsters and Men lends itself well to being creative. 

I decided to make Jeremy little stuffed animals. One of a monster, and one of a man.

It should be noted. I made these stuffed animals assuming that we would just give them to Mosby (to destroy) after Jeremy got them as clues. They would have been cuter, with more details and probably some buttons had I known Jeremy would keep them.

Anyway, the process was actually pretty simple. I started by googling and printing off coloring pages in the shape of a monster and of a man.

I cut them out and used them as patterns for the stuffed animals. I used left over fleece to make the bodies. I cut out two of each, one for the back and one for the front.

 I used embroidery floss and more fleece to make the faces.

I turned put the "wrong-sides" together and sewed them up, leaving just a little opening to flip them right side out and stuff them.

Then came the stuffing and hand sewing.

Jeremy ended up guessing his gift correctly right after breakfast (after receiving the monster). I played it off until lunch, when he opened up the man.

He was really excited about the concert. He also decided to keep the little friends at the office for company.

And now a quick update on my "27 List". I crossed out what has already been done and used italics to show progress or changing in quantity for my works in progress. 

1. Finish changing my name on all documents. (I sort of stalled mid-change)-some progress has been made
2. Write four three more blog posts featuring a craft.
3. Finish a knitting project for a friend's new edition. done
4. Run 27 22.5 miles.
5. Update information for my Illinois teaching certificate.
6. Four three weekly visits to the dog park with Mosby.
7. Use a new pattern to make a fun Spring skirt for myself.
8. Clean out my (and Jeremy's) closets.
9. Donate items to Goodwill.
10. Try one new food.
11. Call Haley.(Hal, hopefully this weekend!!)
12. Do some landscaping on the back patio. (Even though rent, it's nice to maintain for guests.)
13. Purchase the graduation gift I've been eyeing for a certain grad. Purchased, came today, just need to send it out.
14. Catch up on Mad Men.
15. Visit Maggie (and Michael and Grace).
16. Organize my craft room.
17. Purchase a few needed items for our home (including a new pillow for Jer).
18. Take one instagram photo a day. So far, so good.
19. INSIST that I watch Sofia while my sister and Tony go out on a date. We have the date set.
20. Formal introduce Jeremy to Moscow Mules. (I mentioned them here.)
21. Ask for a recommandation, buy, and listen to an album of a new band. (Feel free to leave me a comment with a recommandation!)  Thanks, Lizzy, for recommending The Civil Wars. They are awesome.
22. See The Godfather. 
23. Call my Gram. I called her, but she was out. 
24. Finish The Paris Wife. Getting close.
25. Change my blog heading. 
26. Start our honeymoon photo album.
27. One random act of kindness.

Until next time, keep crafting.


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