Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Quick Inspiration

When in doubt, CRAFT

Hey all! I'm back from Michigan and back to the grind!

My week off was WONDERFULLY FULL!

I started off with a little Happy Hour on Friday, then headed up to my parent's place on Saturday. Here's some pictures from the way up.

After some leaf hunting (for a super secret craft), we headed to the yacht club for a chili cook-off. My mom's white chili placed (of course!).

On Sunday, we headed to church in Manistee. Then we went on a little tour, including A&W rootbeer floats and watching the waves.

Then, it was some pumpkin picking and our daily hike. To finish up our first full day up north, we had a nice snuggly fire.

Then, Mosby decided he was a big boy and was going to sit right by the fire.

It took some getting used to...

And some encouragement...

But, he finally decided to relax at a safe distance.

Monday brought a busy day. My mom and I left for a quick trip to Traverse City to run some wedding errands. Eleven hours and seventeen stops later, we got everything we needed.

Some highlights were a HUGE pumpkin! 

Lunch and a beer at Northpeak Brewing.


 AND an early Christmas present!

My mom and I went into this little funky mall and my mom pointed out this table. It's so cute and just the perfect size for a sewing table (my current craft table won't support my sewing machine). I LOVED it, so my mom gave it to me as an early gift. HOORAY! Thanks Mom and Dad!

On Tuesday, we ran into Ludington for some errands and lunch with my mom's friend, April. Before they passed away, grandparents also used to live in Ludington. As a memorial to my grandpa, my grandma bought a brick by a little clock tower.

Tuesday night, we had Jeremy's folks over for 

dinner. As always, we had a great time with them. We all missed Jeremy though.

We started our Wednesday with a little hike with our friend, Karrie!


After our hike,Wednesday was full of wedding crafts. They are all top secret for the time being. I'll let you in on a few on Sunday, after the wedding!

Thursday and Friday were full of BABIES!!! I babysat for Sofia, then got to meet my friend, Lizzy's little girl, Audrey Helen. She was only a week old and so sweet & new!

Saturday was all about EMILY! We had her bachelorette party, which included mani/pedis, sushi, and lots of wine! It was so nice to see all of her friends!

I spent Sunday recovering from all the fun!

This week is equally as busy! We celebrated our friend Sean's birthday last night. I did have time for a quick craft.

Going back to school after a break is always tough, even if it's just a week. There are a lot of changes going on at my school right now. I decided that with all the changes, I am going to treat the quarter like it's a new year. I decided I needed a little something new for my desk to motivate me during my "new school year". 

I started with a piece of cardboard.

And painted it a pretty grey.

Then, after the paint was dry, I put the stickers over it.

Then, I painted pink over it and waited for it to dry. I peeled the stickers off. Here's the finished result. It's not perfect, but it will be a nice remind at work.

This weekend, we celebrate Emily and Tony! I couldn't bet more excited! Until next time, keep crafting!


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