Thursday, December 6, 2012


Paper Snowflakes

I've always been attached to physical objects as memories. When I was little, I'd store rocks and birthday cards and random little items all over my room. It made "moving furniture around in your room" days quite a nightmare for everyone involved. In high school, I kept dried flowers and cheerleading memorabilia and photos everywhere in my room. Dusting got a bit complicated. 

Luckily, my parents gently guided me away from being a hoarder and our apartment is (relatively) free of clutter. One obvious exception is our refrigerator door. It always has (and always will) be cluttered with postcards, photographs, and clippings from newspapers and magazines. I add and remove items as new things come our way. It's a pretty good measure of what's going on in our lives and the lives of the ones we love.

Which brings me to what I've been thinking about lately.

Jeremy and I are old.

Not in the "27/28 are so old, what are we doing with our lives?" sort of way, but in the "we are married and our friends are actually TRYING to have babies" sort of way.

A few years ago, my fridge was adored with postcards from my sister from Thailand, concert tickets, and photobooth strips from the bar with my friends from last weekend. Even last year, there were wedding save the dates and thank yous and pictures of Jeremy's nieces and nephews. NOW, there all of those things are slowly being replaced by birth announcements and preschool pictures of friend's children. 

And then, on Friday night, I realized Jeremy and I are right there with them. We had some new friends over. The guy works with Jeremy and they are new to Chicago. They were nice and fun to talk with and 24 years old. Now, I didn't think anything of a 3 or 4 year age difference until they pulled out a handle of vodka and told us they like to do shots.

Then, I felt old. 

Jeremy has a difficult time with shots. By a difficult time, I mean that he takes one and can't remember the rest of the night. I'm not exaggerating. So, even though I have swore off shots, I took one. You know, to be a good host. 

From there, I realized that I was MARRIED. I talked about hosting Thanksgiving, my niece, our wedding and our dog. And I realized that 3 or 4 years ago, I was taking shots, exploring a new city, making new friends, and in a new relationship with Jeremy, and that all of things that make up my life today would have sounded so far off in the distant future. 

I'm so happy with where we are today. I love the consistency of being married. I love our little apartment and dog. And I love those little babies that keep popping up on our refrigerator door.

And, I also love the latest addition to the door.

A new photo booth strip from last weekend at the bar with my friend. Because, we are still kind of young, right?

Onto a quick craft I found on Pinterest. I've been busy "elf-ing" for Christmas and at work. BUT I wanted to start decorating for the holidays.

My craft is from a cute little website called The website shows you how to make a cute little snowflakes. I cut out a bunch of snowflakes and made a little mobile. 

Since this wasn't my idea, I didn't show my steps. (take a look at the link for how to do this)

But, here's a couple looks at my finished project!

Until next time, keep crafting!


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