Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Gift Baskets

Logan Square Gift Baskets

Another late post...of course! Oh well. I'm done beating myself up about it! I am one busy lady! Celebrating all of the wonderful things happening in my and my family's lives makes weekends busy!!! Too much good is, well, wonderful!! (And a little tiring)

This weekend, Jer and I headed back to the mitten (that's Michigan for all you non-Michiganders). We had a lot to celebrate! I had a wonderful wedding shower with Jer's dad's family. We are able to celebrate Jeremy's mom's birthday with her. And we were able to celebrate Mother's Day with BOTH of our moms (and my cute Gram too).

Here were other highlights of the weekend:
  • First Michigan asparagus of the year
  • Mosby treed two turkeys and had fun terrorizing squirrels
  • First boat ride of the year at my parents  
Now, I consider myself pretty crafty and creative, but true be told, I was STUMPED on what to get Jer and my moms for Mother's Day. They both have been really great and supportive through all the wedding planning. So, of course, I wanted to do something special. I just wasn't sure what.

Enter my man. He suggested a Logan Square gift basket. Now, if you are unfamiliar with Logan Square, it is our neighborhood in Chicago. And it is amazing. I could (and someday will) do an entire post on all of the great restaurants in our up and coming 'hood. 

walking along the Boulevard
We decided we'd focus on the shops in Logan Square. Since it's still growing, we have limited shops. BUT the ones that are here are great!

Our first stop was at Play. This is an AWESOME independent toy store with really reasonable prices. We get most gifts for nieces and nephews along with friend's kids here. This time, we bought for Jeremy's niece (and our flower girl) Ava. We went a little overboard on princessy stuff, but we know our Ava!

Our next stop was Wolfbait. This is a funky little shop right on the Square. It has all sorts of cute and unique jewelry, accessories, and clothes. It’s not quite our moms’ styles, but we picked up really cute Mother’s Day cards for them.

We have a really unique flower shop in Logan Square. It’s called Fleur and it’s amazing. 

 Jeremy has gotten me flowers from their a few times. Each time, they ask what style, colors, and feel he’s looking for. Each time they NAIL it. HUGE recommendation for anyone who lives in Chicago.

They also have really cute potted plants, candles, soaps, and other cute gifts. It was really fun to pick out the scents and styles we thought our moms would like best. We went with more beachy, light fragrances for my mom (who lives on a lake) and more wooded, earthy scents for Jeremy's mom (who lives in the woods). It's funny how the scents and colors seemed to compliment their personalities and well as the feel of their homes. 

Our last stop was Provenance.

This store is a big favorite of ours. It's a wine store, but it also carries a lot of local snacks, candies, sauces, cheeses, jams, and just about anything else you could find at a farmer's market. It's our Logan Square Farmer's Market stand in during the cold months.

We collected treats we knew our moms would like. A red wine for my mom, a white for Jeremy's. Dark chocolate for Jeremy's mom, and some caramels for mine. We picked out some more treats,and went on our merry way!

Our last stop wasn't actually our last stop. I ran into JoAnn Fabrics (also conveniently located in Logan Square) to buy some baskets and tissue paper.

Then I set to work building the baskets.

First, I gathered all of our goodies.

Next, I separated them by mom. I put used dark purple, light purple, and white tissue paper for my mom. I used dark pink, light pink, and white for Jeremy’s mom.

Then I started layering in the gifts.

And a look at the finished products!

I am so grateful to have such a wonderful mom, who has always been and continues to be so supportive of me (and my sister). And I feel so lucky to have such a great (future) mother in law. She has always been so warm and welcoming!

I hope these gifts helped show how much Jeremy and I appreciate our moms.

Until next time, keep crafting!


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