Easter Arrangement...
....SB Style
For those of you who don't know me...I LOVE Easter. Always have. There are 3 main reasons.
Reason Number One: Family. My mom's side of the family is UBER close. Easter has always been one of the holidays that we all get together. We have some great food (usually kielbasa as we are 100% Polish). My Gram makes a cute little lamb shaped cake (from a mold passed down from HER mother), and at any point someone will burst out singing "Jesus Christ has risen today" to which we all respond "Alllleeellllluuuiiaaaa". Easter is pretty great with my family.
Reason Number Two: Candy. I have a HUGE sweet tooth. I have loved candy since I was a little girl. However, my reasonable, responsible, parents knew that letting an 8 year old control her candy intake would result in disaster. So, my candy intake was closely monitored. However, my mom LOVES holidays and giving to her children, so the Easter bunny always came to our house in full force. Which meant a lot of candy for me! Yay Easter!
Reason Number Three: Last Easter. I gave up candy for Lent last year. Then I proceeded to BEG Jeremy to buy me a HUGE Easter basket. This is what he came up with.
Not bad, huh? So, Easter now holds great significance in our relationship too.
Since I LOVE Easter, I have decided to devote the next couple weeks of crafts to Easter decor.
I am starting simple! Here's this week's finished product.
Yup, that's right. Incorporating my favorite Easter candy (Peeps) into a floral arrangement. Don't judge.
Now, truth be told, I saw an idea like this on Pinterest. I didn't pin it, so I'm not sure if it came with instructions. But, it doesn't feel take a rocket scientist to figure out how it's done. Here's what I did.
Start with a clear plastic or glass container. Then find a small container for the flowers' water. I happened to have a little vase, but a juice glass would work fine. Put the little container inside the big container. If you remember, fill the little container with water first; it's easier than filling it later.
OK, next get our candy out. I thought I'd need to packages of Peeps. Luckily, I only needed one! Hooray! Leftover Peeps=Yummy Snack for SB!
Now, put the jelly beans in that bottom. Try to guess how much room the Peeps will take up, and leave a little room for your flowers to come down over the vase. I ended adding more jelly beans later because there was a gap between the Peeps and flowers. It's not an exact science. :)
Now, put the Peeps in. For two of the sides, I put all four Peeps, still attached to each other in. For the other sides, I could only fit two Peeps in.
Now, cut the flowers down so they just reach the top of the vase, and voila...floral arrangement!
You could really use any sort of white (or any other kind of flower). I'm sure my flowers won't last until Easter, and I'm looking forward to trying a different type of flower.
Oh boy, I can't wait to share the rest of my Easter crafts in the next few weeks!
Until then, keep crafting!